AUTHOR: Archaic DATE: 2003-09-13 LICENSE: GNU Free Documentation License SYNOPSIS: Setting up Mutt and/or Vim to use Aspell. DESCRIPTION: With this hint you can configure Vim to spell check your documents and emails or you can set up Mutt if you use a different editor. PREREQUISITES: None HINT: This hint will be split into two parts. The first part will be configuring Vim to spell check, the other will be for Mutt alone. You do not need to do both, but it won't hurt if you do. You will just have two different ways of spell-checking. ### Setting up Vim to use Aspell ### Install aspell as per the BLFS book: Edit your vimrc to include: map ^T :w!:!aspell check %:e! % NOTE: ^T is , but in Vim you have to type to type control characters. Thus you need to replace ^T with Once you save your vimrc, any time you are in Vim's command mode, typing will cause the screen to split showing the aspell commands at the bottom. If you use Vim as your editor in Mutt, you're all set to spell-check. But wait! There's more! If you are replying to an email and you hit aspell will attempt to spell-check the headers, signature, and all the quoted lines in addition to what you actually wrote. There is a nifty little app called newsbody that will allow us to copy just the body of the message to a temporary file, edit it (spell-check it), then put it back into the original message, leaving headers and sigs alone. It also allows us to ignore quoted lines. You can get newsbody in a package called spellutils here: ./configure && make && install -m755 newsbody /usr/bin install -m644 newsbody.1 /usr/share/man/man1 NOTE: spellutils also builds a file pospell if you're interested in spell-checking .po files. Now that newsbody is installed add the following lines to your vimrc: map ^R \1\2:e! % map \1 :w! map \2 :!newsbody -qs -n % -p aspell check \%f These lines simply let you run aspell without having to check the sig, headers, or quoted text. Treat ^R the same as ^T above. You can also change the letter to suit your needs. Now you have a way to spell-check regular documents and emails with either or . You can stop here, or optionally continue on. There is no added functionality below. Just a different way of doing the same thing. ### Setting up Mutt to use Aspell ### NOTE: I use Vim in mutt but the following should work on your editor of choice as these are mutt-specific, not editor-specific. The default command to spell-check in Mutt is "i". There are 2 ways in which to invoke newsbody and aspell in mutt. We can either call a simple script, or we can write a macro. I will discuss both. Script method: cat >/usr/bin/spellcheck <<"EOF" newsbody -hqs -n $2 -p aspell check %f EOF chmod 755 /usr/bin/spellcheck add the following to your muttrc: set ispell="/usr/bin/spellcheck" -or- Macro method: add the following to your muttrc: macro compose i \ "newsbody -hqs -n - -p aspell check %f" \ "run aspell on the selected part" I hope you've found this useful. Please email any suggestions or corrections to the above address. Remove the "remove-this." from my address. CHANGELOG: [2004-05-24] * Created hint [2003-09-13] * Updated to new hints format