The pcmanfm-qt is a file manager and desktop icon manager (a Qt port of pcmanfm and libfm).
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 764ee07067c3da652e9f7188c4f5194a
Download size: 392 KB
Estimated disk space required: 15 MB
Estimated build time: 0.5 SBU
layer-shell-qt-6.3.2 for lxqt, liblxqt-2.1.0, libfm-qt-2.1.0, and lxqt-menu-data-2.1.0
Gvfs-1.56.1 (runtime) and oxygen-icons-6.0.0 or another icon theme (depending on your choice, some icons will be missing in several places)
If is installed in /opt, help this
package find it. As the root
if [ -e /opt/kf6/lib/ -a \ ! -e /usr/lib/ ]; then ln -sv /opt/kf6/lib/ \ /usr/lib/ fi
Install pcmanfm-qt by running the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ .. && make
This package does not come with a test suite.
Now, as the root
make install
To make pcmanfm-qt easier to find
in menus, adjust the .desktop file. Again, as the root
sed -e '/Categories=/s/=/=System;FileTools;/' \ -e '/Name=/s/=.*/=File Manager PCManFM-Qt'/ \ -i /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-qt.desktop