
Introduction to Gimp

The Gimp package contains the GNU Image Manipulation Program which is useful for photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.



Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.

Package Information

Additional Downloads



The English version of the help files is complete, but large parts of the text for many other languages are not yet translated.

Gimp Dependencies


appstream-glib-0.8.3, gegl-0.4.54, gexiv2-0.14.3, glib-networking-2.80.1, GTK-3.24.48, harfBuzz-10.4.0, libmypaint-1.6.1, librsvg-2.59.2, libtiff-4.7.0, libxml2-2.13.6 (to build the translated help files), Little CMS-2.17, mypaint-brushes-1.3.1, and Poppler-25.03.0 (including poppler-data)



AAlib-1.4rc5, alsa-lib-1.2.13, AppStream-1.0.4 (for one test), Gi-DocGen-2025.3, Gjs-1.82.1, libjxl-0.11.1, libmng-2.0.3, libunwind-1.8.1, libwebp-1.5.0, Lua-5.4.7, OpenJPEG-2.5.3, cfitsio, libbacktrace, libiff, libilbm, libheif with libde265 (both needed to read macOS heic images), libwmf, OpenEXR, and qoi

Optional, for building the help system

dblatex (for PDF docs), pngnq and pngcrush to optimize the png files, but see the note on the help download above

Editor Notes:

Installation of Gimp

If upgrading from a previous Gimp-3 installation, as the root user, remove some files and directories from the old installation or the build system may mistakenly pick them up, causing a build failure:

rm -rf /usr/{lib,share}/gimp/3.0 &&
rm -f  /usr/share/gir-1.0/Gimp-3.0.gir &&
rm -f  /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Gimp-3.0.typelib &&
rm -f  /usr/lib/libgimp**

Install Gimp by running the following commands:

mkdir gimp-build &&
cd    gimp-build &&

meson setup --prefix=/usr              \
            --buildtype=release        \
            -D headless-tests=disabled ..  &&

To test the results (requires a terminal in a graphical environment) issue: ninja test. If running the tests in a Wayland session, one subtest named keyboard_zoom_focus in the ui test is known to fail.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install


This package installs icon files into the /usr/share/icons/hicolor hierarchy and desktop files into the /usr/share/applications hierarchy. You can improve system performance and memory usage by updating /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme and /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache. To perform the update you must have GTK-3.24.48 installed (for the icon cache) and desktop-file-utils-0.28 (for the desktop cache) and issue the following commands as the root user:

gtk-update-icon-cache -qtf /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
update-desktop-database -q

Installation of Gimp-Help

The gimp-help tarball contains images and English text help for help files, together with translations. If you wish to install local copies of the help files to read offline, unpack the gimp-help tarball and change into the root of the newly created source tree.

tar -xf ../../gimp3-help-20240711.tar.xz &&
cd gimp3-help-20240711

automake --add-missing

ALL_LINGUAS="ca cs da de en en_GB es fa fr hr ko lt nl nn pt pt_BR ro sl sv uk zh_CN" \
./configure --prefix=/usr

Remove from ALL_LINGUAS the codes for any languages which you do not wish to install. Alternatively, remove the line starting with ALL_LINGUAS, if you wish to build all languages.

Now build the help files:


Issue the following commands as the root user to install the help files:

make install &&
chown -R root:root /usr/share/gimp/3.0/help

Command Explanations

-D headless-tests=disabled: This switch disables using xvfb-run for running the tests. Without this switch, many tests fail if xvfb-run has been installed.

ALL_LINGUAS="ca cs da de en en_GB es fa...": by default, the help files will be rendered in all the available languages. Remove the codes of any languages you do not wish to build.

Configuring The Gimp

Config Files



Installed Programs: gimp-3.0, gimp-console-3.0, gimptool-3.0, gimp-test-clipboard-3.0, gimp-script-fu-interpreter-3.0, and gimp{,-console,tool,-test-clipboard,script-fu-interpreter}{,-3} (symlinks)
Installed Libraries:, libgimp-scriptfu-3.0,,,,,,,, and
Installed Directories: /etc/gimp, /usr/include/gimp-3.0, /usr/lib/gimp-3.0, /usr/lib/gimp/3.0, /usr/share/gimp/3.0, and /usr/share/doc/gimp-3.0

Short Descriptions


is the Gnu Image Manipulation Program. It works with a variety of image formats and provides a large selection of tools


is a console program that behaves as if The Gimp was called with the --no-interface command-line option


is a tool that can build plug-ins or scripts and install them if they are distributed in one source file. gimptool-3.0 can also be used by programs that need to know what libraries and include-paths The Gimp was compiled with

provides C bindings for The Gimp's Procedural Database (PDB), which offers an interface to core functions and to functionality provided by plug-ins

provides the C functions for basic Gimp functionality such as determining enumeration data types, gettext translation, determining The Gimp's version number and capabilities, handling data files and accessing the environment

provides the C functions relating to RGB, HSV and CMYK colors as well as converting colors between different color models and performing adaptive supersampling on an area

contains C functions for reading and writing config information

contains C functions which provide mathematical definitions and macros, manipulate 3x3 transformation matrices, set up and manipulate vectors and the MD5 message-digest algorithm

provides the C functions which implement module loading using GModule and supports keeping a list of GimpModule's found in a given searchpath

provides the C functions for handling The Gimp's thumbnail objects

contains The Gimp's common user interface functions

contains The Gimp and GTK's widget creation and manipulation functions