Download mlfs
Obtain mlfs
mlfs is maintained as a rolling release, it is based on the actual development version of the LFS book. Currently, there are no releases and because it is based on the development version, there might be hickups from time to time. mlfs is meant for experienced users.
mlfs can be obtained from the git repository:
git clone --branch multilib mlfs
It is recommended to give the name of the directory (here: mlfs) to avoid clashes with other clones of the LFS repository.
If there is a clone downloaded already, it can be used too. In this case, checkout the multilib branch:
cd <where-clone-is> && git checkout multilib
Rendering the mlfs book
Rendering works the same way as it does with the LFS book. The essential parameter REV and BASEDIR should be set. In addition to the common parameters, mlfs has introduced ARCH which specifies which kind of extensions should be included in the produced html. ARCH can be set to
- ml_32: Include m32 extensions only
- ml_x32: Include mx32 extensions only
- ml_all: Include both, m32 and mx32
- default: Include none
- Init system: sysv, ML extension: m32
make BASEDIR=... REV=sysv ARCH=ml_32
- Init system: systemd, ML extension: m32 and mx32
make BASEDIR=... REV=systemd ARCH=ml_all
Packages for mlfs
As usual, mlfs has a list of packages and patches which you should download. These are the same as in the LFS book with currently following exceptions:
- Chapter 8: ISL is added to be used by the final gcc